Bigfoots Marriage Advice

Hey, this is Bigfoot. You’ve probably seen me around. Well, probably not. I’m pretty good at hiding…hehe! You’re probably wondering why in the world is Bigfoot writing about marriage. He should be writing about how to be a hide and seek champion. That’s coming out next but I had to get this out on marriage. You see, I married me a human woman and it has been quite an adjustment. I didn’t know what in the world I got myself into. Now that I’ve been married for 10 years I’ve learned a few things and I wanted to share the best marriage advice you’ll ever get.

Now I’ve got two sections for you to check out for some marriage advice. I’ve got one named Husbands for the husbands (I”m pretty smart like that). I feel like it is some pretty funny husband advice but also practical. I also have a section at the top called Wives (you guessed it, it’s for the ladies). I’ve included  5 practical steps for each to implement. I mean, it’s not rocket science but it does take you being intentional. That is my biggest piece of marriage advice for husbands and wives. You got to be intentional with all the tips I’m sharing with you. If you don’t plan it, it won’t happen.

Husband wife advice

Oh yeah, by the way, I have 21 marriage texts for husbands and wives to send each other. It’s a free download. I call it my Fun Marriage Formula. All you got to do is put in your name and email and I’ll get it over to you lickety split. Get after it!